naturebytes kit store

Wildlife Cam Kit Multi-Pack

Sale price Price £1,000.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Take your workshops to the next level with the Wildlfie Cam Kit Multi pack.

The Wildlife Cam Kit is used as part of education across secondary, higher and informal education as well as professional development for conservationists.

The Wildlife Cam Kit is now available as a multipack for education and research groups. This bundle includes 10 DIY Cam Kits for workshoup groups of 10-30 people.

For larger groups, bulk purchases or specific needs, contact our experienced team of education, conservation and tech experts who will be delighted to discuss the perfect naturebytes solution suited to your needs and aspirations.

The naturebytes educational packs are designed to cover STEAM syllabuses and learning outcomes to inspire the next generation of green-tech and environmental champions.


The Wildlife Cam Kit Multi-pack (KS2 - Masters degree / 11 - 21+ yrs old) 

    • 10 x Wildlife Cam Kits
    • Assembly, coding and activities guides
    • Teacher Education Materials
    • Conservation & Citizen science guide


The Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit is a wildlife camera that anyone can build to take stealthy high definition images of wildlife. Beginner, expert, wildlife enthusiast or hacker, the Raspberry Pi powered kit is a fun way to develop your digital making skills and an exciting new insight into your natural world.

The kit includes electronics: Raspberry Pi model A+ computer, SD card with pre-installed operation system software, a camera module and more.




Wildlife Cam Kit detailed specificaiton:

Each Wildlife Cam Kit contains:

- Raspberry Pi model A+ v1 (the most energy efficient model available)

- SD card with Cam Kit operating system pre-loaded

- Camera Module

- PIR sensor

- Weatherproof Enclosure (case)

- Electronics mount compatible with all models of Raspberry Pi

- Cables, Screws, inserts and nuts

- USB flash drive

- Nylon camera attachment strap

Cam Case Features include

- Weatherproof (certified IP55)

- Fresnel IR lens to optimise motion detection

- Clip and hinge opening for easy access to the Pi’s ports and internal components

- Padlock loop

- Rear cable access

- Rear attachments for modular upgrades

- No soldering required


Note: Batteries Not Included: What you can use...

Due to shipping safety restrictions we cannot include batteries.

For powering you Wildlife Cam you can use your own power bank or mains adapter with specifaction of:

Max.dimensions:  70 mm (w) x 100 mm (l) x 22 mm (d) (including USB connector)



"Naturebytes have made the best Pi camera we've come across"

The Raspberry Pi Foundation


"This is ideal for developing digital skills and attracting interest from future scientists and teachers"

Matt Brittin, President Google EMEA

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